My name is Silvia, I am 33 years old and I was born in Madrid, but I am a Granadian by adoption and totally in love with Granada. I am an interior architect, but I discovered that yarns and crochet made me feel comfortable and enhanced my creativity. They allow me to explore textures and colours, draw and invent, play, have fun and experiment. I couldn’t live without them!
I ended up specialising in amigurumis. I give life to amusing creatures, endearing animals and mischievous pixies. Although my creations could be aimed at children (and I love creating things for them) they are really aimed at the inner child that all of us adults have inside us. For people who still believe in magic. I am still a little girl at heart, that’s why I love spreading this spirit to those around me.
In 2007 I started my blog so I could meet other crocheters, the world of amigurumi, craft techniques, zakka and craft trends. Throughout this time, my experience and the ‘Duende de los Hilos’ have grown so much that they now form part of my life.
I take inspiration from nature, the sea, Nordic design, interior design, Japonese culture, animation and illustration. I love meeting other creators and sharing small daily gestures that change the world that surrounds me.
In the beginning nature was a part of our clothes and shelter. It cared for us and we cared for it. Monster is a return to this symbiosis, a connection with plants, Mother Nature and our home. It is this great protective shelter that shields us from the cold, protects us with its warmth and provides us with a way of carrying on whilst being protected by nature. It is a perfect reminder that she keeps caring for us. There’s no doubt that the best choice for making the Monstera rug-blanket is Love Wool, a warm, natural, smooth, friendly and delightfully soft yarn. Crocheting this project is a pleasure: a way to connect with the warmth of the virgin wool blended with alpaca. Monstera adds a distinctive and unique element to your living room or bedroom.Do you prefer a small project? Done! You can follow the Monstera pattern with any Katia yarn to make a baby blanket, a tablecloth or a cushion!