80% Acrylic - 20% Wool 16 Ratings
You have asked us for balls that are easy to start, with an end that is easy to find, without the tangles caused by a ball rolling on itself when knitting... And, at Katia, we bring you the surprising Boomer, a new tangle free ball format, quick to start, comfortable to knit and, also, consisting of 5 colors that you can combine in whichever order you prefer. Try Katia Boomer and discover the advantages of this different ball! Also, starting to knit with Boomer is extremely easy. First, cut the plastic tie that keeps the ends of Boomer together in a circular shape. Next, pull the end you prefer and start knitting without any worries. Do you prefer to knit striped patterns, colorwork motifs or patchwork-style knitting designs? Do you want to knit the 5 Boomer colors in a different order? Easily separate the color sections to cut the join between colors and make separate balls.