DIY 2nd Life Sweater: how to easily recycle a jumper using Katia Paris
Follow our DIY 2nd Life Sweater video and take note of all the possibilities there are for customising an old jumper. As well as being able to knit or crochet a soft shiny scarf with one ball of Katia Paris, this fantasy yarn is your best ally to help you easily recycle a jumper and convert it into a new garment. Even if your jumper is stained or you just got tired of wearing it, with this tutorial you´ll manage to breathe new life into it and transform it into a cutting edge garment. If you´ve got a damaged jumper, you´ve got a treasure!
Making a 2nd Life Sweater is really easy and lots of fun!
In our video we´ve been inspired by tapestries to give a second opportunity to a simple jumper. Play with the Katia Paris textures to customise your garment with shiny, furry and mohair surface textures. Work different stitches directly onto the garment, add pom poms, tassels, fringes… around the collar, on the sleeves, on the shoulders, etc. Discover your personal formula to recycle a jumper and to continue enjoying wearing it. Furthermore, we´re betting that if you do what you want to do, you´ll triumph beautifully wearing it at party celebrations. Be daring with upcycling!
What do you need to easily recycle a jumper?
- Yarns from our Paris collection: A marvel in skein form that alternates in 3 elegant colours and textures which offer you various possibilities: metallic shine, mohair effect and faux fur (furry handle).
- Scissors, wool sewing needle and a French Knitter.
- A wide jumper, possibly in an eyelet st texture.
- To follow the DIY 2nd Life Sweater steps shown in the following video.
Magic! All of a sudden that damaged jumper that you were going to get rid of has been given a new lease of life transforming it into a pure fashion garment. Much better, don’t you think? The trick is to use fantasy yarns like Katia Paris, and also, to believe in yourself and the power of your hands. 😉 Do you like the idea of a 2nd Life Sweater? Which garment would you apply this kind of DIY onto? Leave us a comment! We´d love to know what’s cooking in that creative head of yours.
[THANKS Marta, 2nd Funniest Thing]