How to sew a leopard costume for children step by step
We present to you the new leopard costume panel ready to cut, sew and enjoy. For children, any time is a good time to wear costumes, right? They are creative and adventurous and imagine fantastic stories. A 100% cotton poplin panel that is very easy to sew. For children between the ages of 3 and 7. It consists of a mask, a cape, and a tail. The panel itself has printed instructions and materials to do it in English. We also share this video tutorial where Nairamkitty teaches you step by step how to make the leopard costume from start to finish.
How to sew a leopard costume
The materials that you will need to make this leopard costume are the following:
- Leopard panel.
- 35 cm of 1 cm wide elastic.
- 20 cm of stabilizing foam, foam, or wadding.
- 5 cm of sewing Velcro.
- Fiber filling for the tail.
Cut & Sew
Look at the video tutorial that Marian has prepared for us to do and follow each step carefully to get a result of 10.
1- Start by cutting all the pieces of the panel around the contour. In total there are 11 pieces: mask, tail, cape, sights, and closure.
2- On the front of the mask, place a layer of wadding and sew this piece right against the right with the back. Next, sew all the way around except a space of about 6 cm on the side to turn around.
3- Make small cuts around the outline and turn around. Iron and blind stitch the opening.
4- Sew the contour of both eyes with a zigzag stitch. Cut the two eyes without going into the seam.
5- Sew one side of the rubber band on the back of the mask, try on your little one and adjust the other side to the appropriate size. Sew the other end.
6- We go to the tail, face the two pieces right against right and sew the entire contour except for the short end.
7- Make small cuts around the contour and turn around. Iron and fill with fiber filling until you consider. Reservation.
8- In the two pieces of the front layer, make the hems of 1 cm and 1 cm with the iron and pass a straight stitch.
9- Face right against the right to back and the two front, sew both sides, and overlock the seams.
10- Perform the same steps with the views.
11- Subsequently, face right to right the complete layer with the views that you have just made and sew all over the neckline.
12- Make the Velcro closure and sew on one side of the layer between this and the view.
13- Sew the other part of the Velcro on the other front.
14- Sew the tail at the back mark. 15- Finally, make the hem with a single or double hem to your liking.
Leopard costume is ready for your little one to enjoy. Discover the magic of sewing with Katia Fabrics.