New Katia Autumn – Winter 2016 / 2017 Collection
We want you to get excited about next season… Take a seat, open your eyes wide and get your needles and hooks ready, because we are going to reveal a small part of the new Katia Autumn – Winter 2016 / 2017 Collection. Concept by Katia has arrived, a unique collection of premium yarns and minimalistic designs for the 21st century woman. We are going to have some fun this winter! The world of fashion has rescued fur (Fake Fur or Fun Fur), plush effects and seventies style… protagonists of our two trends: Fur and Mohair. Yes, 100% fantasy! The Katia hallmark. With 65 years of history behind us, we look back at our origins with admiration and respect. These memories have encouraged us to bet on two sustainable projects with a lot of soul: Nomada, wool made in Spain that helps promote shepherding and seasonal migration; and Pacha-Mama, alpaca wool which is handspun and acknowledges the artisanal work carried out by the spinners from Puno in Peru. Get to know the new Autumn – Winter 2016 / 2017 Katia Collection… Pure inspiration!
Concept Collection by Katia
Be natural. Be authentic. Be Concept. Concept is nature… beauty without artifice, richness of materials, pureness of colour and texture. Surprise yourself with everything that the Concept Collection by Katia has for you.
Concept 2 magazine. 51 models that combine traditional and modern, a must-have for this winter. Dare to be yourself…
3 exclusive designs We are what we believe ourselves to be and what we identify with. Discover the 3 exclusive models designed by Maiami, Emma Fassio and El Costurero Pattern in collaboration with Katia for Concept 2.
Katia Autumn · Winter 2016 / 2017 Trends
Fur Trend. The softness and volume of fur are going to play an important role this Autumn – Winter. Get hooked on one of our most spectacular trends with our Fur Trend Pinterest Board.
Mohair Trend. Distinctive mohair is the protagonist of delicate colour combinations, degrades and fluffy designs. Feel the pleasure of knitting or crocheting with the examples on our Mohair Trend Pinterest Board.
Sustainable projects with a soul
Nomada. Each skein is a unique story. On every yarn label you will find a QR code which identifies the work of each shepherd and his flock. The Nomada magazine (with 6 designs) completes this proposition for products which are made locally with loving care and respect.
Pacha – Mama. Hand spun Alpaca Yarn Collection. Discover the testimony of the woman who has hand spun the undyed skein of 100% Alpaca on the back of every yarn label. Connect with the authenticity of the artisanal work carried out by the spinners from Puno (Peru) through the 9 models (inspired by Mother Earth) in our Pacha–Mama magazine.
More than 400 new designs… for women, men, kids, babies and home in our 9 Autumn – Winter 2016 / 2017 magazines. Subscribe to our blog (right hand column) and our newsletter (click here) to be up to date with everything!