Craft Lovers ♥ Ribeira Sacra Jumper knitted with Katia Lincys by The Single Crochet
If your perfect holiday combines travel and knitting or crocheting, then pay attention to this Craft Lovers post. We invite you to discover and knit a part of the Galician landscape (north of Spain) with Gema Blasco, The Single Crochet. Gema is passionate about handicrafts and enjoys publishing stitches, tutorials and tips on her Facebook page. On this occasion, we have the pleasure of sharing a knitting pattern created by Gema using Katia Lincys. The Ribeira Sacra Jumper is a design inspired by the natural interior of Galicia. There’s no doubt that this is “a unique and magic place” for this Galician knitter and crocheter.
Lincys Colour Range
Beige, brown, black and various greens give personality to the Ribeira Sacra Jumper knitted with Katia Lincys. This 100% linen yarn creates a subtle colour effect combined with a fresh summery appearance. Discover the full colour range and the other designs created with Lincys in the Katia Concept 3 magazine. But first, prepare your needles and travel to the Galician mountains and rivers. Although, if you prefer, Gema also suggests that you can “adapt the colours to your favourite landscape”. Whatever it may be, follow the knitting pattern by The Single Crochet to knit this beautiful simple jumper.
????:Ramon Piñeiro & MarcelaLie
Ribeira Sacra Jumper
by The Single Crochet
Size: L
Katia Lincys: 3 balls col. 302. 3 balls col. 304, 1 ball col. 301 and 1 ball col. 305
Knitting needles: size 10 (U.S.)/(6 mm) and size 8 (U.S.)/(5 mm)
Wool sewing needle
Stitches [►VIDEOS]
Stockinette st: 1st row: knit all sts / 2nd row: purl all sts
Garter st: Work all rows and all sts in knit st
Pattern st:
- Work 4 rows in knit st
- * K1, wrap yarn round needle twice (double YO) * repeat from * to * until the end of the row and finish with K1
- * K1, drop the double YO * repeat from * to * until the end of the row
- 6 rows in knit st
Using size 10 needles in stockinette st: 15 sts & 20 rows = 4×4”
Front and back | Sleeves
Front and back
First, using size 8 needles and Lincys col. 302 cast on 85 sts and work 8 rows in garter st.
Using size 10 needles and Lincys col. 304, work 14 rows in stockinette st.
Using size 8 needles and col. 301, work in pattern st.
Using size 10 needles and col. 302, work 18 rows in stockinette st.
Using Lincys col. 304, work 22 rows in stockinette st.
Using size 8 needles and col. 305, work 26 rows in garter st.
Using size 10 needles and col. 302, work 18 rows in stockinette st.
Using size 8 needles, work 10 rows in garter st.
Lastly, bind (cast off) all the sts.
First, using size 10 needles and Lincys col. 304 cast on 42 sts. Work 14 rows in stockinette st.
Using size 8 needles and col. 301, work in pattern st.
Using size 10 needles and col. 302, work 18 rows in stockinette st.
Using Lincys col. 304, work 20 rows in stockinette st.
Using size 8 needles and col. 305, work 22 rows in garter st.
Using size 10 needles and col. 302, work 14 rows in stockinette st, decreasing one st at the start and the finish of the row (total = 14 sts).
Lastly, bind (cast off) all sts.
Finishing and making up
Finally, sew the shoulders: = 20 sts at each side. Sew the sleeves and the sides.