Are you a crocheter or knitter PRO? Find out with our test

Take this fun quiz to find out how much of a crochet or knitting PRO you are





The internet has changed our relationship with crochet and knitting in the last few years. Whether you’re new to our blog or you’re a regular visitor, take our amusing test. We hope to put a smile on your face while you discover whether you’re a crocheter or knitter PRO


Are you a crochet or knitting PRO?

1) Yarn bombing sounds like…

a) A high risk adventure sport.

b) Urban art, graffiti made with yarn.

c) Guerrilla knitting, urban knitting, graffiti knitting… I’d take part in yarn bombing without a second thought!


2) If we say Ravelry, you say…

a) Fresh pasta stuffed with meat, cheese, vegetables…

b) A social network that connects knitters and crocheters from all over the world.

c) My personal paradise: I can find knit and crochet patterns, share projects and record my progress.


3) What would you say if we suggested that you join a CAL or KAL

a) I’m sorry, politics don’t interest me.

b) Sounds like fun, but I prefer knitting on my own.

c) Tell me about the projects, materials, starting date and social network meeting!


4) The last knitting or crochet stitches you learned were thanks to…

a) The invaluable patience of a relative or friend.

b) Learning through magazines, books and courses.

c) YouTube! Play. Knit or crochet. Stop. Knit or crochet. Repeat video. 


5) When logging into Instagram you see…

a) I have no idea how to use Insta.

b) Fun reels and pictures of knit and crochet projects that I would love to make someday. 

c) All things crafty. My feed is filled with everything knit and crochet, yarn and hooks.


6) The knit and crochet patterns that you like are…

a) Found on knit and crochet websites and blogs.

b) The previous answer, but I also download PDF patterns with my personal computer and keep the collection in a file.

c) All the previous things, and furthermore, using my mobile phone and tablet. Wherever I go, they come too!


7) There are knitters and crocheters that meet online and interact in Facebook groups…..

a) What are these groups you speak of?

b) I’m in some groups but don’t interact very often.

c) Yes! I love the community of crafters I’ve found on FB! 





Mostly a)

Knit and crochet. Internet. Just like that, completely separate. But if you’re here it must mean that something is changing. Welcome! Discover, share and there’ll be no going back.

Mostly b)

You’ve been knitting or crocheting for a long time and you resort to the internet on a regular basis. You may search for inspiration about amigurumis or hats on Google Images, or show interest in a pattern posted in a Facebook group. You are starting to share your creations and are considering the idea of starting your own blog. Go ahead and do it!

Mostly c)

You are a crochet or knit PRO! Internet is partly “to blame“ for you having taken up knitting or crocheting. You discovered a virtual community where you can learn about, and share your enthusiasm for your hobby. You are someone who sees social media as something that will help take your passion for knit and crochet outside of the four walls of your home. No doubt, 100% connected!


And have you figured it out? 



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